Save precious hours when drafting documents

  • Draft documents faster
  • Access your know-how, in a click
  • Make space for additional revenue

Creation of legal documents, simply automated

Draftomat is a document automation solution for professionals, businesses and organizations. You can use it to automate standard documents, store know-how and create new service for your clients.

Draftomat modules


Draftomat welcomes John James McVeigh into its sales team

Legaltech Solutions, a Serbian start-up that launched document automation and knowledge management software Draftomat, has partnered with [John James McVeigh](, an esteemed business development consultant and founder of the consultancy firm [Nixedonia](, to enhance Draftomat's sales and market presence in Central and South-East Europe.

Draftomat releases new features

New update to Draftomat brings two sets of new features to the users. New features respond to two use case scenarios which are typical for law firms and in-house legal departments.

Draftomat for real estate contract management

Real estate companies manage large office portfolios rent substantial number of units. This means loads of MoUs/terms sheets and lease agreements. The companies usually have templates or model document which they customize. Customization means inserting data (unit address, size, rent price etc), selecting one alternative over another and making elections that depend on the parameters of the specific transaction. However, that only partially addresses the workload issue.

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